Development Process of Intrinsic Gamification in a Learning Difficulty Context
The paper explores the development process of intrinsic gamification in a learning difficulty context through an in-depth case study. We found out that simplicity is the most vital mechanic and the freedom in the software benefits users physically, mentally and socially. As a result, the software meets user’s competence, autonomy and connection needs and thus intrinsically motivates them to use it more.
منابع مشابه
Profile-Based Algorithm for Personalized Gamification in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments
In this paper we present an approach for personalizing gamification to the needs of each individual person. We designed the personalization for computer-supported collaborative learning environments by synthesizing three existing design frameworks: the lens of intrinsic skill atoms, gamification user type hexad and heuristics for effective design of gamification. The result of the design proces...
متن کاملInvestigating the Relationship between Player Types and Learning Styles in Gamification Design
An educational gamification is a new approach that has developed hopes to increase the effectiveness of learning. Computer game users are actually players that are categorized according to their personalities and have different learning styles. To achieve maximum performance in designing gamified learning, one can determine the relationship between player types and their learning styles, and th...
متن کاملA qualitative Meta-Synthesis Study on Challenges of Applying Gamified Organizational Training and Development (GOTD)
The present study was conducted to identify the challenges of applying gamification in OTD. The present study is an applied study with a qualitative approach. At first, the documents related to the gamification were collected. Initially, 325 scientific documents were identified using the keyword of gamification (2011-2019) 37 of which were selected as the study sample. Then, in order to underst...
متن کاملThe Applicability of Gaming Elements to Early Childhood Education GAMIFICATION Defining
Many educators and technology developers advocate the use of gamification in educational environments. However, it is important to evaluate the applicability and value of gaming elements to the environments in which they are being implemented. Early Childhood Education (ECE) presents a unique educational context framed by national curricula and philosophical approaches that influence the adopti...
متن کاملA qualitative Meta-Synthesis Study on Challenges of Applying Gamified Organizational Training and Development (GOTD)
The present study was conducted to identify the challenges of applying gamification in OTD. The present study is an applied study with a qualitative approach. At first, the documents related to the gamification were collected. Initially, 325 scientific documents were identified using the keyword of gamification (2011-2019) 37 of which were selected as the study sample. Then, in order to underst...
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